Aishwarya Rai will face the camera for the first time After marriage in Ram Gopal Varma's ambitious sequel Sarkar 2. The actress will play the pivotal role of a manipulative daughter-in-law of the Nagre family where Abhishek has assumed the position of the patriarch; an aged and feeble Amitabh Bachchan keeps himself to the house. The filmmaker who is adept at making underworld-related films now shifts the focus to the daughter-in-law who eventually, evolves as the matriarch in the family. Apparently, Aishwarya masterminds strategies to retain the family's monopoly in different underworld businesses. Abhishek will be shown falling back on his wife in times of crises.Amitabh Bachchan will be reduced to being a helpless old man who has only his experiences to share with his son, the new godfather. Abhishek, along with his wife, will run the business and sort out problems of the people. Aishwarya will be seen as a shrewd woman. She though is not an out-and-out negative character and strikes a balance between her household work and the family business. She loves her family, at the same time she can be ruthless when it comes to dealing with wayward characters.Reportedly, Ash will sport minimal make-up in the film. The film is supposed to hit the floors in June.